Shout it out!!


"Wanted" is a movie that you must watch if you are looking for thrilled and excitement.

The woman who shot the Goodbye shot.
The good bye bullet that kills 8 people in one time.
Choose your destiny
After the movie, I sms-ed garrett this, "There's a "X" below you. Decoy!! haha.
He replied, "oh no..ha ha ha.. I am dead."
He was watching the same movie at AMK Hub too. His "instinct" told him that I was there.
Happy reservist! HAHA. I will miss you.

Garrett is one who catches my jokes the fastest and he reads my mind pretty fast and well.
I read his mind quite fast too, okay? haha.

It's a random, anyhow and quick post. I did this in 2mins. seeya! what a perfect day.