Oh..just came back from church! it had been a great weekend.
Benny is so cute. I went home with him today.
He was supposed to go Ivan's house to stay tonight but they left church first. So I brought Benny to Ivan's house. Had a great talk with him while we walked home.
So many things had happened the last one week and many things are going to happen the next one week!
Ernest and Eric are going to the army this coming week. I'm going to seriously miss all their nonsenses and the presence of them being around us in church. It may seems only two weeks but two weeks means a lot. I will miss you guys. My day shall come soon. sob sob.
Woohoo.. B1 and F3 brokethrough! I'm so happy. Met up with F3 leaders on Sat and shared about being together with one accord like what Apostle Paul mentioned and something happened.
F3 used to be averaging 10-12 the last one month. We hit 14 this weekend. Praise God.

Here's F3 key people!! there's more people who are not included.

Cool people going crazy and as usual, Kenn's fav pose!
Me, sili and Jazreel!
Sili didn't come church on Sunday! Sili, better finish your hw by Fri so that you can come on Sunday!
Anyway, I got to blog about Jazreel. Before prayer meeting, I was having a chat with her. What she said really impacted and encourage me a lot. Thank you Jazreel.
I was asking her when does she see herself becoming a Chief Usher. She shared with me, "maybe end of year, I want to do more in F3 now and really support you in F3 and grow F3."
aarrhh. Something hit me when she said that. JAZREEL, YOU ARE AMAZING.
Who say young people are immature and can't plan things well.
Who say we need the worldly working experience to bring Usher Ministry another level?
I don't like adults who doesn't believe in young people and always blame us over small silly things.
Why can't they look at the GREAT things we done? (I still love all these WORLDLY ADULTS! God is still moulding them..)
BUT! I must say that every HOGC adults members are amazing. There's so much to learn from them. The way they give to God is one of the things that we can really learn.
Especially all the adults leaders. Jack, Cheryl, Christian, etc.. many more. (:
B1 brokethrough 20! After the new restructure, I'm leading B1 now and overseeing B10 as Wei Ling lead B10.
B1 is amazing! Having this new structure, our average attendance is only 12 for the last one month. So I shared with them that our end of year target is to hit 20!
Guess what?
We hit 20 just on the first weekend!
Here's the names that made up 20...
Jian Ming, Eric, Darren, Douglas (Darren's bro), Xin Chi, John, JiaXian, Kelvin, Wei Le, Lala, Peiwei, Samantha, Alicia, Jing Yi, Cassandra, Rong Fang, Cherly, Her Jiwon, Her Hyng and Yin Ru.
Thank you Lord for touching all 20 of us! we love You!
Truly we are living in 4th dimension. we see 20 and God provides.

The best shall be the last?
Peiwei has been waiting for this post for the longest time.
She blogged that she hates jianming last weekend.
oh.. i got to blog that jianming hates peiwei too! I hate her for asking me to post this photo of herself in my blog and I got to do it asap! Everyday she's pestering me to do it. oh man, you so hate me. (:
Alright, jokes aside!!! Peiwei has been amazing. She's really growing so much in the Lord and I'm very happy that God revealed Himself so much to her as pastor how preached about "What is spirituality?"
Wow.. long post. Monday is a holiday! Happy reading this post. I hope it will thrill? you. HAHA.
Oh ya, not to forget to share about me having supper with Charleston and Ivan on Saturday night. Charleston drove his dad's car and pick me up at my house. Truly we are growing up. From taking bus together 7 years ago to who we are today. Everything is in God's plan.
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