Posted by Jian Ming at 5:08 AM 0 comments
I'm back to blogging! Haven't blog for many days. as usual..peewee is waiting for my posts.
Jian Ming says: (2:43:36 PM)
eh.. you never go school today?
Cassandra says: (2:43:57 PM)
Jian Ming says: (2:44:16 PM)
Jian Ming says: (2:44:27 PM)
learn from your senior right
Jian Ming says: (2:44:28 PM)
Cassandra says: (2:44:34 PM)
Jian Ming says: (2:44:35 PM)
i go disturb your senior
Jian Ming says: (2:44:36 PM)
Cassandra says: (2:44:37 PM)
she teach me wan
Jian Ming says: (2:44:41 PM)
bad example
Cassandra says: (2:44:43 PM)
Cassandra says: (2:44:46 PM)
Cassandra says: (2:44:47 PM)
Jian Ming says: (2:44:57 PM)
i copy and paste this conversation
Jian Ming says: (2:45:02 PM)
she kills you when she read this
Cassandra says: (2:45:02 PM)
Jian Ming says: (2:45:03 PM)
Cassandra says: (2:45:14 PM)
wont de lar
Jian Ming says: (2:45:49 PM)
so who's your senior
Cassandra says: (2:45:57 PM)
Jian Ming says: (2:45:59 PM)
Jian Ming says: (2:46:01 PM)
Jian Ming says: (2:46:05 PM)
i will blog about this!
Cassandra says: (2:46:13 PM)
Cassandra says: (2:46:14 PM)
Posted by Jian Ming at 3:42 AM 0 comments
Army is nearing each day I wake up..
Posted by Jian Ming at 11:03 PM 0 comments
I've looked for love in stranger places,
But never found someone like you(Jesus).
Someone(Jesus) whose smile makes me feel I've been holding back,
And now there's nothing I can't do.
'Cause this(Jesus) is real, and this(Jesus) is good.
It(Presence of God) warms the inside just like it should,
But most of all it's built to last.
All of our friends saw from the start.
So why didn't we believe it too?
Whoa yeah, now look where you are.
You're(Jesus) in my heart now.
And there's no escaping it for you.
'Cause this(Jesus) is real, and this(Jesus) is good.
It(Presence of God) warms the inside just like it should,
But most of all it's built to last.
Walking on the hills that night with those fireworks and candlelight
You and I were made to get love right (We are to get love right with Jesus!)'Cause this is real, and this is good.
It warms the inside just like it should,
But most of all it's built to last.
'Cause you are the sun in my universe,
Considered the best when we've felt the worst
And most of all it's built to last.
I love this song! This song will be rated 10/10 if only it's meant to sing about Jesus's love. The lead singer is singing to his love ones. I'm singing to my love ones too (Jesus). Jesus's love is something that has been built inside of us to last. I repeat, "JESUS'S LOVE: IT HAS BEEN BUILT INSIDE OF YOU TO LAST." Jesus's smile makes me feel I've been holding back..Jesus is real, Jesus is good. The presence of God warms the inside just like it should. Most of all, it's build to last. This is amazing. (Listen to the song again and sing it in a whole new way)
Sometimes we seems to be losing the war and finds that there's no point doing what we are doing. Do you know? This feeling had been built to last in your heart. Love is Jesus, Jesus is love.
When you found Jesus, something it's built to last. You can run away for days, months, years but the feeling has already been built to last. Don't end the race, we are going to end the race together for God.
See you at the ending point.
Matthew 7: 13-14
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Posted by Jian Ming at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Posted by Jian Ming at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Just want to say that a Broken heart breaks the unbroken heart.
Posted by Jian Ming at 2:17 AM 0 comments
Posted by Jian Ming at 9:13 AM 0 comments
I thought that I should blog about Usher Ministry!
Posted by Jian Ming at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Posted by Jian Ming at 2:12 AM 0 comments
Be inspired and thankful for being a member for Heart of God Church!
Posted by Jian Ming at 1:02 AM 0 comments
"Wanted" is a movie that you must watch if you are looking for thrilled and excitement.
Posted by Jian Ming at 1:19 AM 0 comments