Shout it out!!

posting!! more posts! 

I'm waiting to meet Yassy for Staff Performance Management Evaluation (PME). Since I got to wait, might as well blog first. (:

Yes.. went to meet lala and peiwei at Jurong. We had a great follow up lesson at Jurong Library. Jurong Library, the place is very nice. The whole building is made of glass. Please visit the place! We did the lesson on "Listening to God". Today seems to be a Q&A session. They asked lots of questions. Lala asked me about the verse that she blogged (Go read her blog!).  I really had lots of fun with the two of you at the library. Thanks for all the fellowship.

After reviewing the verses together, everyone had a clearer understanding of the Word. Truly there's hidden treasure in the Word. I will post Matthew 5 and Luke 6 in my next post. Ock, you will be blessed. 
I'm glad that I got nothing funny but spiritual to blog about. So many things is happening..CTSS revival is here. Their juniors are coming to church.. xin chi is rising up to greater heights. same for the rest. B1 breakthrough 30, F3 breakingthrough 16. Thank God. 

wow.. turn is up next!! after that, it will be home sweet home. going to prepare for CG Sermon tomorrow! 
see you guys in church on fri for CG and this weekend for service..

Off I go...