Wow.. I'm in church now and I'm going to play soccer with pastor how and some of the staff later. It's going to be a great time with pastor and the staff.
Dark or Light?
Posted by Jian Ming at 11:58 AM 0 comments
My Journey In CHRIST - Part 2
So, that's me when I was young if you read Part 1. Cheers.
Posted by Jian Ming at 1:41 AM 0 comments
You make my day!
Posted by Jian Ming at 2:59 PM 0 comments
My Journey In CHRIST - Part 1

Posted by Jian Ming at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Posted by Jian Ming at 12:58 AM 0 comments
Good Night! (I'm Relieved)
Hi everyone, it's 2am now..did lots of things today. I came home after having a CG worship session with F3 and then followed by B1. Went for dinner with them and travelled home.
Posted by Jian Ming at 2:04 AM 0 comments
Breakthrough Stories
Follow up with Jun Zhou (F3):
Last Sunday, I had follow up with Jun Zhou and I did on the Lesson about Talking to God. After the follow up lesson, we have additional 10 minutes. So we decided to pray in tongues for 10 minutes and build our inner man. I started teaching him about praying specifically when we pray. So I asked him what do you want to pray for this 10 minutes. He started sharing that he wants to pray for his school (Hwa Chong) and see his classmates coming to church. We started praying in tongues for 10 minutes.
Pray, pray, pray and pray.
After 10 minutes, we ended the prayer and his phone rings. His classmate from Hwa Chong, called him up and ask where is he now? Jun Zhou said that he’s in church now. The friend then went on and asked what time is the service timing and he said that he wants to come. After the phone call, his friend quickly changed and rush down to church to meet Jun Zhou. All this happen 2 hours before the service starts. Praise God!
Pastor Lia! Here’s the good news that I want to share with you. You sowed a seed in my heart when I sit in your follow up lesson and learn from you, I could feel the different in the way I do follow up nowadays. More than the impartation of the skills, I think there’s an impartation of your anointing. Thank you pastor.
Regular (B1):
You must clap for this girl!
She has only been in church for less than 2 months. This weekend will be her 2nd month in church. Being a new believer in God, there’s just the child like faith in her. No matter what happen, she will be around in church and come for every activity in church since she first step into HOGC, from services to prayer meeting and even connect group meeting, etc.
Because of this, her parents started to be a little upset with her. There was one night where she was traveling home and her mum threatens to beat her up, etc. She was very afraid and started praying to God. She prayed specifically to God. She prayed to God that when she reached home, everything will be alright and if her parents really beat her, she will not feel any pain.
When she reached home, her mum really beat her up. Arrh..Sec 3 already still like that. But the amazing thing that she shared is this, “Yes, my mum beat me but every stroke that she hit seem to be a miss. If not, I don’t even feel any pain at all. God is real and He answered my prayer.”
I’m proud of you! (:
Regular to be (B1):
He has been coming for services regularly for the last 6 weeks. Every week he comes, he will tell everyone that I will just come for service every week but I am not a Christian and I don’t want to be a Christian. Just last week, we talked to him and find out if he accepted Jesus in his life because he loves us, loves church and he worship God with us, etc. He said yes. During Easter weekend, he actually accepted God in his life. Just yesterday, we started our first follow up lesson and he’s a changed man. He is so much more open in his life.
More than that, we were playing basketball during one of the weekdays, someone accidentally hit him on the eyes and he was very angry. He scolded vulgarities. But you know what? He felt bad and sorry about it. After the match, he walked to me and shared that he tried to control but he can’t.
Haha. Guess what I told him? I told him, it’s ok! Yea. Habits take times to change. Furthermore, he’s sincere about it.
That's all for now! more to come..
Posted by Jian Ming at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Thank you!
Posted by Jian Ming at 11:42 PM 0 comments
Posted by Jian Ming at 9:47 PM 0 comments