A trip to CHC KL was amazing. A trip that I will never forget because I went there with my pastor. Thank You Pastor How for giving me this opportunity to travel overseas with you. I love it!
Day 1
It was an exciting Day 1! The night before, I knockout at 4am. I haven't even packed finished most of my things and at 6am, I received a morning call from Koon Yew at 6am. I was supposed to meet him and travel to Harbor Front together. I was late. Unknowing, I went to sleep again. I really woke up at 630am. So, I quickly went to pack all my things and rushed down on a cab. Cab fare was $28++. Arrh!
After that, reached harbor front and quickly got the boarding pass and went up the bus. I sat with Colin! Oh man, I tell you, I planned to sleep on the bus. After talking to Colin for the first half an hour and finding out everything about his life in that half an hour... I can't sleep! So I decided to think about my own life, praise God, talk to God, thank Him and I started replying all my unread emails on the bus! Soon later, I reached KL! The sight of the Twin Tower gave me the conclusion that I had reached!!
We alighted the bus and checked in the hotel!
Funny Incident:
Jamie was so excited that she forgot we are at Malaysia. Not all Malaysian understands english. She went to an Indian guy and asked, "Hello! Can you help us take a group photo? :D"
HAHA. The man just stared at Jamie! We had a great laugh. After showing some hand signal, he got it and helped us.
Checked in the hotel, we started to check out the place around the hotel! 1st thing to check out: FOOD! FOOD! FOOD! We went around looking for Good Food! God is Good. Opposite our hotel is an Indian 24hrs shop. We went there to eat! Great Food.
1st Food Exploration:
Indian Food! amazing. The Teh tarik is the best! I didn't feel like drinking until i see the man pulls the teh!! Wah.. Temptation la! I ordered one immediately. After that, ordered real food.
First time I ate indian food with 8 different types of sauces on the rice. There's the chicken curry sauce, fish curry sauce, squid sauce, grilled chicken sauce, etc!! After eating this meal, everyone is in a happy mood!
Went to KLCC for a quick walk and went to Nikko Hotel for the arrival of Pastor. Helped pastor how with his things to the room and told pastor about the indian food. Haha..A few of us went to buy the indian food for pastor how. Some of us were tempted again, we bought teh tarik to drink!
After that, we went to Nikko Hotel to wait for the arrival of Pastor How! Helped pastor how with his things and went shopping with Garrett and team.
Wow..we really walked. In Singapore, it's like walking from Raffles Place to Orchard Road. We want to look for their Far East Shopping Centre for cheap and nice stuff.
The malaysian told as that it's two streets away. their "two streets" means "From raffles to orchard". Can you imagine how far is it?
We shopped from 5pm-7pm. At 730pm, we are supposed to meet Pastor How and Pastor Kevin at the hotel and go for the best dinner in KL. But we are still at the "far east shopping centre" at 705pm. Oh man..we need like 30mins to walk back to the hotel. The team and I decided to run back. Reach a point in time, Garrett and I decided to rush back first. We reached the hotel at 725pm. we are fast man. The rest managed to reach by 730pm. haha.
1st Dinner at KL:
22 cups of orange juice per table of 8 persons.
Black pepper BIG TIGER PRAWN.
Wrap Chicken.
x2 BIG satay
Beef Noodles
oh man..many more. I'm not going to make you drool. haha.
The best is the last!
After everything, pastor how invited us to his room and we have a heart to heart session. Pastor How shared a lot and it really impacted me and the team. We are so blessed!
Thank you pastor!
Whole day shopping in the afternoon and then headed for their church service. Amazing. Learnt a lot from them and was very blessed there. But I must say that as a Heart of God Church member! Heart of God church is the best. I love my church and my pastors!
Their service was great.. CHCKL is one of the best churches in malaysia man.. Pastor How sermon was ownage. Pastor preached about The journey of the dream..Joseph's life, etc.
The presence of God totally filled up the whole place.
After the service, we headed for dinner!
2nd Dinner at KL:
This time round, the food is even better. All thanks to Yong Hui and Jamie!!
It was very funny..After the first dinner, Yong hui and Jamie looked at Pastor Kevin and told him, "Pastor.. This is the best food I ever eaten in my entire life." "WAH!" said Pastor Kevin!
Because of this, pastor kevin said that he needs to up the standard of the food. He brought us to Sakura for dinner. Sakura Lasi Lemak is the best!! wow...We have orange juice again!
many food...
spring chicken
prawns again..
and many more....
After that, head back to hotel. Have our 2nd heart to heart session with Pastor How. amazing! So blessed!
We headed to their church as early as 9am in the morning. Have a quick tour of their church.
I must said that our church ops really is 5times better than them. I mean our equipment is so much more than them and better then them. BUT! we must really appreciate what we have and not take things for granted. Though our equipment is better, their output is better than us in some ways. Their livefeed ministry is the best. They don't use walkie talkie to communicate and all their shots are very fresh and nice! They simply flow. Spirit to spirit. zai. thumbs up for their livefeed ministry.
Service was as powerful. Ownage!! haha.
After that, we headed for our last meal of the trip with Pastor Kevin. The best is kept for the last! that's what Pastor Kevin said. We went to eat...Bat Ku Teh!
amazing la..
After everything, headed back to hotel and waited for bus to bring us back. did some quick shopping in the mist of it.
oh man..there are still many things that I didn't share. Ask me what and I will tell you more!
I'm so blessed!
A picture speaks a thousand words.. here's all the random photos that I have uploaded! All the photos are not in any order...
hope it helps and thrilled you! haha